Company Info

Company name

WonderPlanet Inc.

Business fields

Mobile Game Business


Nagoya Head Office

New Sakae Bldg. 5F, 3-23-18, Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 460-0003, Japan

Tokyo Office

WeWork Kanda Square 11F, 2-2-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0054, Japan

Listed Stock Exchange

Tokyo Stock Exchange, Growth (code:4199)


September 3, 2012( Business started on October 1 )


1,755,750 thousand yen( including capital reserves, as of August 31, 2024 )

Number of employees

146( as of August 31, 2024 )


Founder & CEO
Chief Executive Officer
Tomoki Tsunekawa
Director & CPO
Chief Product Officer
Masaaki Sumi( In charge of Universal Game Department )
Director & CGO
Chief Global Officer
Norihiko Kudeken( In charge of Global Marketing&Creative Department )
Director & CFO
Chief Financial Officer
Akinori Sato
Chairman of the board
Atsushi Ishikawa
Director( outside )
Yoichi Wada
Director( outside )
Hiroki Teshima
Full-time auditor( outside )
Shiho Mori
Auditor( outside )
Akihiro Yoshijima
Auditor( outside )
Atsushi Okada
Executive officer & VPoE
Norikazu Hiraki( In charge of EDMO )
Executive officer
Tomotsune Murata( In charge of Kaizen Office )
Executive officer
Michiharu Aota( In charge of Management Planning Office )
Executive officer
Kei Takamiya( In charge of Corporate Division )

Origin of the company name

WONDERPLANET—coined word of our business key words: WOrldwide, Nagoya, DEveloper, PLay, Amazing, and NETwork, desiring that the Nagoya-based development team will expand our playful games, filled with countless amusing wonders, across the world.